
Proof of life (with a picture of death? Sure). It’s fall, the time has changed, the leaves are falling, and I’m processing a lot of grief right now. It’s usually my favorite time of year, but this year has arrived with a side of heaviness. I’m hoping to get back into the swing of writing because I think it will help me, but in the meantime here are the remnants from our cherry tree.

I also started another blog to journal the delicious things I drink, so that has been a decent way to pass the time. I have used apps on my phone to remember special wines or cocktails, but I realized that if the apps just went away tomorrow that I would lose all that info. Hence my Three Sheets Diary that I’ll be updating and backfilling with drinks that are really just notes about different occasions.


I don’t generally like articles that try to tell people how to live their lives better (of course I don’t) because too often they don’t seem realistic. But I read this one this morning and liked it, much to my chagrin.

I want to read it again to really think it through, but there are some good points in there. I can’t or won’t do everything, and some of the tip suggest buying things – which not everyone can do. But there are plenty of ideas that anyone on any budget can do to try to get through this fall and winter, because it already feels like it will last 1,000 years. All right, I’m projecting. But one reason I liked the article is because it suggests finding ways to take real action on things that have been hanging around for a while, in need of my attention. It’s not revolutionary stuff, but I really appreciated the nudge in the right direction. I spent a lot of my time this weekend thinking of ways to be more proactive in certain areas of my life, realizing that so much lies out of my control right now. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to add to my to-do list.


More floof. More distractions because life feels very overwhelming and fatalistic in our home at the moment. I alternate between swearing about what the current administration is doing to destroy our country and whispering sweet nothings to this guy.