
I don’t generally like articles that try to tell people how to live their lives better (of course I don’t) because too often they don’t seem realistic. But I read this one this morning and liked it, much to my chagrin.

I want to read it again to really think it through, but there are some good points in there. I can’t or won’t do everything, and some of the tip suggest buying things – which not everyone can do. But there are plenty of ideas that anyone on any budget can do to try to get through this fall and winter, because it already feels like it will last 1,000 years. All right, I’m projecting. But one reason I liked the article is because it suggests finding ways to take real action on things that have been hanging around for a while, in need of my attention. It’s not revolutionary stuff, but I really appreciated the nudge in the right direction. I spent a lot of my time this weekend thinking of ways to be more proactive in certain areas of my life, realizing that so much lies out of my control right now. And now if you’ll excuse me, I have some things to add to my to-do list.


The Day After.

I woke up still struggling to comprehend that this is real, although it definitely feels real enough when I see how the GOP is salivating at the opportunity act as duplicitous(ly?) as usual. It makes me sick. I needed to do something, anything, that felt like a real action. I’ve wanted to volunteer on Election Day for a long time, so I decided this is the year to do it. I will mask up and drink a gallon of hand sanitizer and do whatever it takes to help people vote.

The second picture is from a distanced get-together with our friend this afternoon. We already had it on the calendar and decided that maybe the solidarity and commiseration would help a little bit. The pitcher of mango margarita that comes with a straw also helped a little bit.


In The Before, we had plans with friends to see Brandi Carlile at Red Rocks in Colorado this weekend. That marriage of artist and venue makes a bucket list show I’ve hoped to see for several years now. The show got rescheduled for the same time next year and while I have no idea what’s in store for 2021 (lolsob), I’m grateful that I still have a chance to make it happen.

In the meantime, we got tickets for a BC livestream tonight, in which she played the entirety of her Give Up the Ghost album. It wasn’t a live show like I’m used to, but it felt so good to watch them jam and cut up and I don’t know, help us all feel a human connection again for a little while.

I hope to take advantage of more livestream shows from her and from other artists I like. Everything sucks right now, but participating in a performance in such an intimate way feels like a gift.


We planned to have a physically distanced picnic with a friend today, but sadly she had to cancel because of a relative who has COVID (this is where we’re at these days).

We were already out and about to pick up some things to take with us, so we considered for a moment whether we should go back home. But honestly, it’s a challenge for me to leave the house these days. Part of it is the taxation of taking all the precautions needed to run the simplest of errands, and part of it – if I’m being honest – is just deep fatigue and dread with everything that’s going on. It’s not depression, but it sure feels depression-adjacent. So when that choice presented itself, I decided I still wanted to go because I’d already done the hard work of getting ready and out the door! ON TIME!

We went to the same place we’d planned to meet up, hoping that it would still work out. I haven’t been to that specific spot before, but I didn’t think it was a popular (aka crowded) one. And thankfully, that turned out to be true, even thought we were located between the Tidal Basin and the Washington Monument. We had so much room, so much shade, and all of our snacks and drinks ready to go! We set up our little speaker, laid out our blankets, kicked off our shoes, and just hung out for a few hours. A few other families set up close enough that we could see them playing soccer and cricket (!), but it was nice for all of us to have plenty of room.

We had plans for distanced face time with another friend that night, and for a second I wished we didn’t because the conditions were so perfect to stay another few hours. That just means we’ve found a favorite new picnic spot and will have to go back.


I got to see G today! She drove from Washington State to Utah across the country to Maine and then down to DC, all with my new little niece, THE PRINCESS! BUTTAHCUP! (the second pic, obvs), who is the cutest and sweetest little pup!

I had a hard afternoon, and when I’m feeling that way my first instinct is to withdraw instead of engage. It’s not like I meet up and act like everything is fine … I’d just as soon not see or talk to anyone at all. I’m not used to telling anyone – even my people – in real-time when I’m struggling, because I just really don’t like to feel that vulnerable. But I’m trying to get better at that so I told her, she listened, and I SURVIVED. We talked, walked Butter along the river, found a snakeskin (EW-ah!), saw a deer, talked some more, walked up on the bridge to get a nice view of Navy Yard and the water, caught up on everything, had wine on the deck in the backyard, talked some MORE, and then we said goodbye so she could hit the road again in the morning.

It feels so strange to see someone you love and wonder when in the world you will see them again with everything that’s going on, and that’s probably a whole different post. But I’m so grateful she made the drive to see us so I could spend time with her and Buttercup, and her road trip also has me jonesing for one of my own now!


The last normal thing we did in The Before was one of our favorite things: a movie date night! We saw Portrait of a Lady on Fire in the theater, got an email on the way home that B could start working from home the next day, and that was it. 

Tonight we had another movie date night, but it felt oh so different than the last time because we went to a pop-up drive-in at RFK Stadium! I haven’t seen a drive-in movie since my friends and I went to see Obsessed (such an amazing choice) in Utah back in 2009, and I’ve missed it. We got tickets to see Friday tonight and Jurassic Park tomorrow night. We packed movie snacks, takeout for dinner, pillows, handheld fans, and maybe an adult beverage (shhhh). I couldn’t believe how good it felt to get out and do something fun and new/different to break up the monotony of being at home after all this time.